Friday, 4 January 2013

You Keep Me Running

On the theme of resolutions, last night I stuck to another one and went on my first run of 2013. I find it's a great way to run out any stresses or frustrations while pushing yourself to do more.

I use the Nike + app which I honestly couldn't recommend more, it's so useful. I have it built into my little iPod Nano which means all of the Internet bits you can get on the app, like mapping your route, I can't use but I still get a great workout from it. It's free so what have you go to lose?! You can get it from here for your iPod or iPhone.

My favourite part about it is the online hub where your runs are sent, you can set yourself goals and awards which push you to actually complete what you've set out to do. Also you can join up with friends and have a friendly bit of competition!

For a run, music is essential! My playlist is really high intensity club music but I can't stand running to just noise so here is a little selection of music I have on there.

Jessie Ware - Running

TNGHT - Higher Ground

Disclosure - Latch

Rudimental - Feel the Love

Azealia Banks - Esta Noche

Bondax - Baby I Got That

Infinity Ink - Infinity

I have a feeling running is a resolution for lots of people so if I do find anything that helps my motivation and runs I'll make sure I blog about it, there are so many mixes on Soundcloud that you can download for free.

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